Ecommerce case study: Blue17, upcycled fashion retailer

I’m please to announce that, in partnership with my client Blue17, we’ve put together a new case study on web analytics and conversion rate optimisation.

Blue17 provide quality upcycled vintage fashion. Our work together encapsulates many aspects of digital analytics for ecommerce, including tagging, conversion analysis, CRO, and website development.

Covid-19 crisis: Free consultation for charities

The current crisis is tough on everyone. I recognise that even in the good times, charities, non-profits, and NGOs can struggle to fund, deliver, and justify their essential work.

We’ve all suffered losses in business, funding, and activity (not to mention the terrible human toll of Covid-19), so I’ve decided to offer some pro bono consultancy to any charities large or small who would like to explore the potential of data analytics.