The current crisis is tough on everyone. I recognise that even in the good times, charities, non-profits, and NGOs can struggle to fund, deliver, and justify their essential work.
We’ve all suffered losses in business, funding, and activity (not to mention the terrible human toll of Covid-19), so I’ve decided to offer some pro bono consultancy to any charities large or small who would like to explore the potential of data analytics.
Perhaps you have a campaign analysis, a piece of tracking, or some strategic work that you’ve been putting off. Now could be the time to do it.
I won’t promise the world, but I can offer highly professional, experienced consultancy and delivery (9+ years) in data analysis and digital tech.
I’ve worked with the likes of Oxfam, WaterAid, Stroke Association, Scottish Book Trust, and Newcastle University, as well as smaller charities and social enterprises. In addition, I have a wide range of experience with household names in the for-profit sector, and through my academic studies.
I mainly work with the Google suite in web analytics, digital analysis, dashboards, visualisation, and reporting. But I can help with many platforms, conversion optimisation efforts, and general data analysis or measurement strategy. I have experience in qualitative analysis and social science research. I can also help to provide training or Q&A on some of the most-used digital tools.
For charities and non-profits in particular, I offer a discount as standard, for all my services at any time.
Additionally, during the Covid-19 crisis I will offer my time free of charge for consultation, project scoping, and small pieces of analysis or config depending on your individual needs.
Please get in touch today at [email protected] or through the website!