Conversion rate & experience optimisation

A laptop on a table showing website content representing user experience improvements

In any organisation, we are constantly striving to optimise and improve our efforts. Data and digital platforms make this easier than ever. The wealth of information at our disposal allows us to focus on the improvements with the biggest impact on online conversion rates, and evaluate that impact directly through results and continuous data analysis.

A major focus of my career has been website optimisation: ways to improve the user experience and persuasive power of a website, in order to encourage engagement, action, or conversion. There are no tricks or shortcuts here. I believe in a rigorous approach to website and content improvement which includes detailed data analysis, generating hypotheses, and testing these hypotheses on real users. Various tools make this job much easier, such as Google Optimize, Visual Website Optimizer, or Convert.

I have created, run, and analysed hundreds of AB and multivariate tests over my career. Improvements from these tests have generated hundreds of thousands of pounds for my organisations and clients. I have also won awards for projects in the charity sector with Oxfam GB.

From this experience, I can bring a wealth of learning and best practice optimisation suggestions to your website and digital communications. Of course, all organisations and users are unique, which is why we need to test our changes, from small changes to copy or imagery to radical page redesigns or the introduction of new functionality. All of this can be evaluated against a control, allowing us to generate reliable results based on statistics to inform decisions.

Contact me now about improving your website through proven digital data analysis.

You can find me on LinkedIn, or email me at [email protected]

I look forward to hearing about your exciting conversion rate optimisation projects!


With Daniel having experience working in the charity sector, non-profits and NGO’s – and with us being in the recycling industry – we felt Daniel would be well equipped to understand our online ecommerce business core values and its development needs.

It’s clear that Daniel has a wealth of experience and insight that is an essential asset to any committed website owner. It’s surprising that many webmasters seem to ignore the requirements for data analytics and CRO prior to website design and SEO campaigns.

In retrospect, we would have benefited greatly through working with Daniel some years ago, with data informing decisions rather than guesswork.

We’re really pleased to have discovered Daniel and we look forward to continuing working with him.

John Scott