New charity case study: Scottish Book Trust

Charities are undergoing digital and data transformations with increasing pace.

My new case study, courtesy of Scottish Book Trust, explores some of the data analytics work we did following the launch of their new website. We worked with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Firebase, BigQuery, and Google Data Studio to structure and improve their insight.

Our work together encapsulates web and mobile app analytics, as well as looking at the wider measurement and optimisation strategy for Scottish Book Trust as an organisation.

Find the analytics case study here!

Visualising open source data with Google Data Studio &

Google Data Studio is becoming the go-to reporting tool for data analysts in many sectors. In this article I take a look beyond the typical marketing data connectors like Google Analytics and delve into open source data from a wealth of freely-available sources, courtesy of

No need for complex engineering or data pipelines – with just a little bit of SQL and using Data Studio’s native connector, a whole new world of data can be delivered right to your dashboards!